Anniversary of Star Trek
Las Vegas Hilton 2006

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Grease Trek was divided into 3 parts and played in the Gene Roddenberry Theater on Thursday, Friday and Sunday.

Scott and Jason McKean, the makers of Grease Trek. Thank you to all the people who stopped by the table and talked, shopped and laughed it up with us!

What a blast! Jason and Scott McKean on the main stage introducing the film.

What an honor to be a part of the 40th Anniversary celebration of Star Trek!

Mr Spork senses impending danger.

Mgr Cook chews out Mr Tott.

O’Hurry maintains a calm demeanor as chaos ensues in the drive-thru.

Jason, Earl and Scott saying “howdy” in Vulcan.

Scott extending an outreach program to bring in Bob and others to the Grease Trek Team.

Eric handling the merchandise. Not everyone got to do that ...

A lot of the costumes were colorful and quite ornate.

Jeff and Krissandra stopping by to look at the Grease Trek table.

Michelle doesn’t know what she’s gotten herself into by buying a copy.

The borg understands. Big laughter.

This borg needs some expert tag-team salesmanship to understand the meaning of humorous entertainment with fast-food nourishment at the center of it.

Walter Koenig with Jason and Scott. He’s a busy guy with a couple of Trek projects soon to be released. He reprises his role of Chekov for a New Voyages episode “To Serve All My Days” written by DC Fontana, and has a main role in the independant film “Star Trek: Of Gods and Men.”

Man, those Klingons really love their hotdogs!

Wow, some people (?) just can’t take a joke.

This Vulcan wants nothing to do with any attempt at crass commercialism.

Bob Conrad and Jim Nestor, producers of “Eye of the Beholder” hold an onstage discussion with Tim Russ and Menina Fortuna. They have created a unique series of films using Trek actors Garrett Wang, Chase Masterson, Robert Picardo, Crystal Allen and many more.

You-know-who doing an old switcheroo with the fedora. Is that Dixon Hill?

Is that ...? Is it really?!? Go see for yourself at

Posing with Mary-Linda Rapelye, Irina from that Original Series hippie episode “The Way to Eden”

A table neighbor,  Tom Booth as one of the Klingons from the high council. Tom is also a vintner from Malibu and one heck of a nice guy.

Sue and Jason McKean atop the Stratosphere after the convention.

Exhausted, but happily so ...

More Photos? You bet!
More costumes, more mayhem, more fun ...


Lisa Reinke, Alison Schleich, her husband Jeff, and their mother Pat (standing). Alison does incredible glass work and Lisa is a gifted portrait painter. Check out Lisa's site by clicking HERE. Better booth mates you could not ask for.

Tye Bourdony cartoon.

Jason with Tye Bourdony. Tye has had his cartoons “The Lighter Side of Sci-Fi” published in Starlog, Parsec, Cracked, Sci-Fi Magazines and the Star Trek Communicator.

Tin Wizard drops by the table decked out in armor that he created out of metal and leather. He was a semi-finalist in the costume contest.

Sue McKean with a Klingon weapon that’s really sharp and might poke out someone’s eye if you’re not careful!

And the winner is ... Eric the borg. He won the costume contest. Questions ranged from “how does it feel to win” to “how do you go to the bathroom wearing that”?

Cardassians, Andorians, and humans all getting along. Actually this Andorian was more than a little feisty.

Kyle, Mom and Ryan learning about the importance of fast-food in one’s entertainment diet.

WHO let these apes out of the zoo?!? Oh ya, the human-animal geneticists who want to take over man-monkey kind!!!

Blake (in Hawaiian shirt) was awarded a Grease Trek T-shirt when he came up to the booth and perfectly recited lines from the movie after only seeing it once. He came to the convention with his dad Mike and his brother.

Sue and Jason with Civil War Reenactor Diana aka “Sarah Wakeman” who was interpreting  the Voyager episode of “The Q and the Grey.”

Jim Duriga, knower of all things Trek, and author of Trekkies, Trekkers, and Red Shirts. Many informative interviews from the world of Star Trek, including one from the Grease Trek crew.

Kaptain KataH epetai-Heck’Lher (the tallest one) of the IKV Bloodlust and his Klingon cohorts ransack the Grease Trek table for DVDs and other edibles. (Note: They hate being greeted as “gentlemen.”)

Sue and Jason with Laurel and Larry, the sibling team behind the ingenious “Farce Trek” parody film.

Is he firing a shotgun or playing air guitar? Jason with Robert Reeves, who was showing his short film “Cheap Seats” at his table. His wife makes incredible costumes.

Scott and Jason with a self-professed “Bling-Kling.”

Pandora Heart with high hopes of winning the costume contest.

These dogs are just the best. Data (left) and Tasha Yar.

Their parents are awfully nice too!

Mgr Cook looking down into the audience to see who’s laughing at him ...

Pam (right) and friend are kind enough to pose by the Grease Trek “ship.” Goodbye to any political careers ...

Mr Tott in an actiony-blurry-pensive-pose. He’ll have to do something genious in order to preserve his reputation as a Miracle Whip Worker.

Again, honored to be a part of a universe that’s filled with as much fun as it is with the spirit to make a better future for all ...

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Tye Bourdony cartoon.

All content © 2005 Bubo Productions. All rights reserved. Star Trek and related images are properties of Paramount Pictures.